15 December 2014

5 Habits Fueled By Facebook

I do not wish to scare you, but believe it or not, most of us inherit behavioral patterns not just from our ancestors. The biggest social media giant has made a lasting impact on us. So much so that it won't be long till we bleed blue - the color that signifies a revolution called FACEBOOK! There's been enough song and dance about the addiction and its usage so I'd rather not get into that. So without much ado let's focus on the 5 habits fueled by Facebook.

1) Stalking 
Guess what the next most important thing is after knowing the name of a person... his SURNAME! How else will you be able to stalk his profile inside out? Facebook has happily turned all of us into ACP Pradyuman. I use his example because only investigators like him would gather information from this trusted source called Facebook. And don't we all enjoy a little dose of stalking our exes?

2) Selfie-ing
These days, every second person has a selfie-sh motive, don't you think? Front cameras are now a rage all thanks to the invention of the Selfie. Had it not been for Facebook, I wonder if people would still be interested in this hobby. And they’d definitely not go through the tedious process of clicking a million for the one picture perfect and staged yet candid click, had it not been for Facebook. Habit or obsession, this one's sure to last lifetime!

3) Sharing
They taught us in Kindergarten that sharing is caring. But this holds most true the in today’s age. Consider it a blessing or some sort of PR efforts, but the Facebook share option has surely added meaning to life, at least for some. For instance, sharing 9gag images is a staple facebook activity for many. Some people, with no mind of their own, grab every opportunity to share anything and everything. It’s like their attempt of making their presence felt in the virtual world.

4) Trending
Gone are the days when you waited for the daily morning newspaper. Movie reviews, Bollywood gossip, and even speeches by our respectable PM, will all be delivered to you by your friends posts, pages and now the "Trending" section on Facebook. We are now very conscious of being up to date with whatever that's Trending and Facebook is the major reason behind it.

5) Friending

Friendship is now just a click away and the number is now a defining factor. The more the number of friends you have the more 'happening' you're considered to be. Imagine an age without Facebook, how many of us would actually attend to someone just on the basis of "mutual friends". Funny, right?  For better or worse, we are now habituated with Friending people on Facebook first and in life later. So, technically Facebook is like a friendship tester that we conveniently use to our benefit!

Blessing or a curse, there’s no right or wrong about it. But facebook is surely a force to reckon with, that influences even the most insignificant things in our lives! Think about it! Have other views? Feel free to post it in the comment section below!

Until then,
Keep Chattering :)

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